Saturday, September 10, 2011

It is time for Geek Rage

I found this at (see fumble link on right) And like most geeks was really put off by the attitude of this Lady, than she tried to cover herself (see cover it up link at right) Now I believe in personal freedom but why drag someone through the mud over a mismatch at a online dating site? Come on We all have had bad dates but this was over kill. Well something good has come of this it is time to SPEAK OUT WITH YOUR GEEK OUT see the link I have posted to this event. Please join us this week and let your Geek out.


  1. OK, not to be a noodge, but you may have wanted to imbed the links in the post so readers don't have to cut and paste. Also, the SPEAK OUT link to the right is busted, so you may want to fix that too.

  2. I had to put all the links on the right and they appear to be working now.

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